by the time they've reached the front I'd expect the overall colour to have faded to more of a cherry sort of look: The varnished wood is the best I've seen, yet at the same time it feels a little off for combat. They were actually quite speedy IRL, you might want to have a look at the gearing on the jeep off road. You might be better off doing your own animation for the passengers though.

With the jeep, your hands aren't close to the steering wheel, the drivers foot sticks out the side and the passanger sitting points are a little far out with the legs. We're planning to expand our fronts adding new maps, but as already said, without any artist that is willing to create some assets, this process will be very very slow Jeast, our animator, will be very busy until the new year and without any other help we're stuck in this field. Sadly there won't be any update for the anims. Next update will focus on vehicles and fixes! Probably you've already noticed from the screens of yesterday:

In this right moment Lodu is reworking the vegetation of Tarawa and all the bunkers log, but we could not include this improvent since we had some problems with the objects already placed on the island. There are still a lot of things to do and a lot of assets to rework, but we decided to release it anyway and let you guys enjoy what we've done so far and hopefully get some help. Tommy_mc is working on a new model but we did not have time to include it in the first release. M3, M1919 and so on), especially the M1919 is a straight port from HIPA2. As you may notice there are still some weapons that are not up to arma 3 standards (e.g.